Guest Post: Knowing

Happy Monday! Casey is back with another insightful blog.

Don't forget to read her other posts:
April - Mother of the Year
March - Wishes
February - Follow the Yes
January - Directions

I am working on giving up perfectionism. Bit by bit.
If I agonize over every creative thing I do, it becomes
harder and harder to find some sort of creative flow in my life. 
I get caught up on the details, which usually end up
holding me back. Fear of rejection, fear that
the things I am making are not good enough. 
But as I very wise woman I know, Diane Halperin, once said,
"Don't be attached to the outcome." And she is absolutely right. 
I create because I must. Because it's who I am. 
What makes my heart full. What energizes me. 
Not everyone is going to think my art, my writing,
my photographs are beautiful or moving. But
some people will. And connecting with those people
makes me feel truly alive and valuable. I want to hear
more stories from amazing people. 
But I'm realizing I need to start here,
with my story, first. It's about
taking that leap, not because
someone is pushing you, but
because you truly want to fly. 
It's not about believing anymore. 
It's about finally knowing
you can.

About Casey:

From the time she was 9 & obsessed with writing stories on her plastic blue typewriter in Clifton, New Jersey until eventually earning a creative writing degree, Casey has always been a storyteller at heart. She is also an artist, photographer & dreamer living in Omaha, Nebraska with her son, husband, and 3 kitties. Together they laugh, create & fight crime. 
