World Traveler
An alphabetical list of the countries I have spent at least one night in according to The Travelers Century Club [This list is recognized by the world as the standard of countries and destinations that are politically, ethnologically or geographically different]:
1. Afghanistan
2. Bahamas
3. Canada
4. China
5. Costa Rica
6. Czech Republic
7. England
8. Egypt
9. Dubai
10. France
11. Germany
12. Greece
13. Hawaiian Islands
14. Hungary
15. India
16. Israel
17. Italy
18. Java [Indonesia]
19. Kenya
20. Mexico
21. Pakistan
22. Palestine
23. Panama
24. Romania
25. South Africa
26. South Sudan
27. Sumatra [Indonesia]
28. Thailand
29. Turkey in Asia [Izmir]
30. Turkey in Europe [Istanbul]
31. United States [do you count your own country? this is the eternal question]
32. Vatican City
Additional Countries I've placed my feet in:
- Congo
- Poland
- Slovakia
- Tanzania