I'm Back... In More Ways Than One

It’s been 3,791 days since I set foot outside of the United States—124.6 months, or 10.38 years. I returned with a one-year-old, a broken heart, and the belief that sharing the gospel outside of the U.S. would never be part of my life again.

It was devastating. Since I said yes to Jesus at the age of 12, global missions had become part of my life. From junior high and high school work camp trips to college mission trips, serving in Pakistan, and leading discipleship teams with YWAM, sharing the gospel of the Kingdom ran deep in me. But heartache can be destructive, which is why David said, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

So, it comes as a great surprise (and joy!) to tell you that I’m back at it! I now serve as the Communications Coordinator for Christ For the City International (CFCI), an organization dedicated to transforming cities by transforming lives. In this role, I have the incredible honor of communicating the heart of our mission, sharing stories about our amazing missionaries who are serving God around the world, and using my skills in photography and writing to highlight the expansion of God’s kingdom.

I was recently invited to join CFCI’s Costa Rica Vision Tour, which will take place from Thursday, November 14 to Monday, November 18, 2024. This trip will allow me to witness firsthand the ministries making a Kingdom impact on the lives of people in Costa Rica, enabling me to communicate their stories more effectively. We’ll visit places like Tirasses, La Carpio, Pavas, and Renacer—each home to projects and initiatives that bring the hope of Christ to individuals and families. I’m especially excited to meet some of our Communications team missionaries in person—people I work with daily but have only seen through a screen!

Ironically, I went on three mission trips to Costa Rica with CFCI during my college years. So here I am, coming full circle—with a new perspective, a soft heart, and a lot of life behind me.

This trip also reminds me of the deep heart of the gospel, which goes back to Luke 15 and the story of the prodigal son. Jesus tells us about a Father who loves his son so much, even when the son strays far away. This is the message we carry with us: that there is a Father in heaven who loves every person, whether they feel like the older brother who has stayed close or like the prodigal who has wandered away. Our mission is to tell the prodigals that the Father loves them and is waiting with open arms for them to come home.

I’m reaching out to invite friends and family to partner with me in prayer, and if you feel led, to support this trip financially. The total cost is $750, and your investment—both spiritually and financially—will be a meaningful part of this journey and the irrevocable call God has placed on my life. I realize there are many incredible opportunities to give, so thank you for even considering investing into my life.

Giving, as we know, is an act of worship that flows from the heart. May we reflect our love for God through our generosity. You can give here: https://cfci.givingfuel.com/crowd/vision-tour-nov-cr24-grimes

Thank you in advance for your love and support.

I can’t believe I’m writing a support letter again, but here we are. God is so kind. If you’d like to know more, feel free to reach out and ask! I’m happy to connect!

I want to leave you with the declarations Carsen and I have prayed every night since he was four:I am a child of God.
  • I am fully loved.
  • I am important.
  • I am a blessing to others.
  • I am powerful through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
  • God loves to provide for me.
  • God has supernatural protection for me.
  • God has a plan and purpose for my life.
My prayer is that these truths will reach the very depth of your heart.

You are so loved,



  1. Hey Lindsay, it’s so exciting to see you back in missions where your heart has been for so long.


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