The Comma Before The Explaination Point - A Letter to Ty & Terri

The City of Omaha is grieving today.

I woke up to a text message from my friend that said, “Are you awake?”

I responded with yes, what’s up?

It didn’t phase me that my friend called right then.
Who uses a phone to actually call anymore?
I had just returned from a quick trip to KC so I thought she might want to get together.

“Ty and Terri were killed.”

I knew it wasn’t a joke, but that’s what it felt like. A cruel, awful, sick joke.

I hung up the phone and threw up.
Then I denied it happened.
Even when my Facebook feed flooded with the reality of the situation.

I think, even now, I write this in part to help process the harsh reality that Ty and Terri are indeed gone.

I feel like there will be more to share.
Happy memories to tell.
What they meant to me personally.
The effect death can have on us and the truth that comes out.

But for now, a letter.

Dear[est] Ty and Terri,

Your impact runs wide and deep.
You left a legacy that will go down in history as one of the greats.

You gave HOPE, demonstrated LOVE, and spoke TRUTH to thousands of people.

Thank you for giving HOPE to the City of Omaha.
For looking at the parts of this place others ignored.
You did that with a community, and you did that with individuals.

Thank you for demonstrating extraodinary LOVE to each other and to your family.
There are countless couple’s that model their marriage and parenting after you two.

Including my husband and I.

You loved each other in private and shouted it in public.
You laughed together.
You held hands.
You hugged.
You affirmed one another.
Your example of commitment did not go unnoticed.
Marriages were healed and saved because of you both.
You love each other well.
You loved your family well.
And you loved people well.

It’s why there are, literally, thousands of people grieving.
We all believed we held a special place in your world.

And you know what?
We did.

Thank you for speaking TRUTH.
With humor and wisdom.

You loved Jesus.
You loved being God’s son and daughter.

Thank you for “giving it to us straight”.
You never beat around the bush.
You spoke TRUTH and then loved people where they were at.

I want to be like you when I grow up.

I am honored to know you.

And privileged to have had you in my life.
Thank you.
I love you.


And to the “four kids in six years, just add water”…. I love you each.
I am praying for each one of you.
Look forward to hugging you.
And grateful for the memories then and to come.
