H.A.P.P.Y. T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G.

This is year 5 of my T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G. list, which means I’ve made a tradition out of it [Minus last year. I was pregnant and a hormonal mess]:

Babe: The one who grabbed my heart and married me. Thank you for loving me through for better and worse. For our times of laughter and fun that makes everything right and true, if even for a moment. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. Your strength is a big support. I look forward to many more years of growing with you. I love you.

Bubbas: The one who has my heart. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and without regard. Your smile and laugh make my day brighter. Thank you for being quick to love me. And thinking I’m pretty amazing. You make me want to be a better person. Thank you for reminding me daily to see life with fresh eyes. I cannot wait to watch you grow up. I love you baby boy.

Dad: The man who taught me everything I know about sports. Thank you for entrusting me, my family and your grandson to the Lord. Thank you for the tears you cry on our behalf when you talk to God. You are an great Opa. I love you.

Mom: The woman who gave me life. I have so much more respect for you now that I have my own. Thank you, for all that you sacrificed for me. Being a momma is not for the faint hearted. Thank you for loving and raising me in the best way you knew possible. Thank you for always answering my 6 a.m. Face Time calls. It puts a smile on my face every time I see you talk with Carsen. You are a great Oma. I love you.

Sarah: My forever friend. Thank you for the twenty+ years of friendship. Our relationship is always transforming and morphing as the seasons of life change, and yet the deep devotion for each other remains. I love going through this season of motherhood with you, even from afar. Thank God for Face Time and iMessage. Thank you for loving my family, believing in my family and supporting us in our decisions. I cherish you and you tribe. Someday we will take that family vacation together. I love you.

Layne: The Lay to my Say. Thank you for not giving up on us. I am so grateful for technology that allows us to text and grow our friendship into something greater. Thank you for dreaming with me, and believing I can do anything I put my mind to. Thank you for giving me guidance and helping me make action steps. I love you.

Tobias Family: The artists, creators, community seekers. Thanks for loving my family from thousands of miles away. For caring and investing your life into ours. You continue to love us even when we feel unlovable. Thank you for your Kingdom perspective and artistic worship desire. We are happy to go "there" with you. I love you.

Laura: My other Australian momma friend. My encourager. Thank  you for talking me through the first hard weeks of motherhood. For checking up on me in the middle of my nights and encouraging me through my baby blues. You have grown to be a dear friend that helped me through a difficult time. I love you.

Supporters: From years back to the most recent. Thank you for your continued love and encouragement through the ups and downs of life. Your prayers, emails and gifts speak more to our family than you will ever know. Thank you for believing in us and what the Lord is telling us to do. Always. You are loved.

Blog Friends/Readers: To the ones who faithfully read my writing, view my photos and increase my pageviews. Thank you for taking interest in the journey of my life. Your input and comments do not go unnoticed. For those that have been with me from the beginning, thank you for your continued support as I journeyed from single life, to married life, to motherhood for all the world to see. It's been a wild ride. I look forward to sharing more of my crazy day to day with you and letting you get to know my family more and more. You are loved.

...and to God, the one I long to be near, who has for now blessed me with these.


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