The World Is Loud | Straight Talk

I didn't realize how noisy the world was until I had a newborn.

The old saying, "Never wake a sleeping baby," rings loud and true in my ever sensitive ears.

Walls seem thinner, doors creakier, public places noisier, people's walking rougher.

Before Carsen was born we bought a washing machine. The sales clerk convinced the two of us it was the quietest, smoothest, nearly lullaby-esc washer around. And for our tiny one bedroom apartment, it seemed perfect. Even after using it, we were shocked at how silent the machine was.

Then we had Carsen, and it's as if the machine came alive. Now, it sounds like a space shuttle at take off - the painfully deafening sound lifting our washing machine off the ground, especially when Carsen is asleep.

Lets not talk too long about our 30+ hr flight from Cape Town to Kansas City. Dear God, it was as if we were surrounded by elephants with ten thumbs. Plastic crinkling, overhead bins slamming, bathroom doors locking, people snoring or coughing. It was like each person had their own personal microphone amplifying their volume in a horrible game of "who could wake the baby first?".

The music in stores are often obnoxiously loud and young children seldom know how to use their inside voice. If it wasn't so blasted hot in the Midwest, I'd put ear muffs on Carsen to shield him from the hubbub surrounding him.

I am guessing all first time parents try to protect their baby and do almost anything to keep the volume to a minimum. "Do not ring the door bell" signs are popular, or you can do what my father-in-law did and disconnect the doorbell all together. Whisper, tip-toe, even an occasional text conversation to keep the home quiet during nap time.

However, I am learning, there's a fine line between guarding my baby from life's sounds, and allowing him to acquire the skillful art of "sleeping through anything." And I'm told the best way to help a baby adjust to noise is to get them a sibling.

I guess the only solution is having more kids.
