Mid-February Update.

Act Here. Love Now.
We are in the last two weeks before we send our book to the printer. Last minute edits to content and design are being made. I am very proud of our book and we feel the message is relevant to most anyone wanting to take action and change the world through simple acts of love. I cannot wait to share this book with YOU.
Tour Dates
We are planning a west coast tour to share our stories and distribute our book. We will start in San Diego and make our way to Vancouver. While the dates are still up in the air, we are looking to begin mid-May and travel through the end of June. If you have connections to churches, colleges, high schools, coffee shops, or bookstores along the west coast, please let me know.
Fund raising
We firmly believe in a grassroots type effort and are hoping to raise enough money to fully fund the printing and distribution ourselves. We’ll soon have fair-trade coffee available to buy by the pound with proceeds going to the printing and distribution – I’ll keep you updated.

Financial Supporters.
A few have asked about my 2011 support-raising. If you have followed my journey, you will know I cut my monthly budget in half from last year! With your help and prayers I am confident I can close the gap on the remaining 38% needed. At the beginning of the year, I sent out a budget to show the breakdown of my expenses. If you’re interested in giving and would like to see a copy, please contact me! [My monthly goal is $900. I currently have pledged $555. I still need $345].

Book Publication: Our group is working day and night to finish this book. Please pray for the details to come together that we may communicate well the message that is in our hearts.

Web site & Twitter: You can follow our journey on our new web site: www.actherelovenow.com or follow us at twitter.com/actherelovenow

Fundraising: We hosted a Valentine’s Dinner to help pay for our book publication and tour. We will start selling fair-trade coffee. I will keep you updated!
