I commit to Thee...

In the last few weeks I have felt every emotion under the sun with nerves running a muck and stress eating at my body.

Today I feel content.

Honest and open communication breeds comfort and produces trust; it brings clarity and peace to a relationship/group.

I will travel the next two years with 16 other individuals forgiving, loving, not judging, and allowing each other to make mistakes, learning from them and growing into the person Jesus destined us to be. This is true community - helping one other walk this journey of life in love. It is freeing and makes me want to be a better person. Makes me want to care and see beyond my selfish tendencies.

This concept is not new to me, but actually DOING it is. I feel like I’ve talked about living in community for so long but to actually be a part of a community that truly wants to DO it is refreshing. It will be difficult and messy but if we can pull it off we will be a beautiful reflection of the Kingdom of God.

“I am like you because I have a choice. To become bitter, cynical, jaded and hard. Anybody can do that. A lot have. Hatred is a powerful, unifying force. And there is a lot to be repulsed by. Or, like you, I can reclaim my innocence… We can insist that hope is real and a group of people who love God and others really can change the world.” – Rob Bell

In order to have community there must be commitment to one another and to believe the best. This is my commitment card to this community; my family:

I, Lindsay, commit to be in this community.

To see you succeed and draw closer to God, from this day forward.

For better or worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health.

To love and to cherish until we are separated by different callings.

As God as my witness I give you my promise.
