Heavy Heart

Sometimes… if I think too much about what we, as photogenX, are trying to eliminate – injustice – it seems impossible.

At moments, it takes my breath away.

I feel helpless. Powerless. Weak. Defeated.

What can we really do?

We raise thousands of dollars hoping to bring about some sort of transformation.

But what changes, what good has come?

I become paralyzed in the weight of emotion pressing against my heart.

I want to crawl into a ball, close my eyes and wish the pain of this world away.

Where is my white flag?

But something inside my soul says no. I will not surrender. Deep down, in the very core of my being, I know the truth.

His kingdom will come. His will, will be done. On earth as it is in heaven.

And for this reason I march on in love. I march on in hope. I march on in faith and believe the impossible.

Injustice will end and the world will, once again, come in line with its original calling – to be captivated worshippers of God.
