Dear Patience, I've About Had It. Love, Me.

"When it's dark enough you can see the stars." - Persian Proverb

For an activator like myself patience is not so much a virtue but rather a challenge; it is my kryptonite.

Sure, throughout my 27 - almost 28 - year history I’ve demonstrated patience (e.g. bladder pressure on a road trip in the middle of no where, college graduation ceremony, money provision, wedding day).

However, during times when my "Christ-like" attitude decides to take a vacation, I feel patience - while biblical - is overrated. I often believe throwing myself on the ground like a two-year-old and screaming seems most necessary.

People are too slow, God isn’t speaking and life took a wrong turn somewhere around mile maker 21. It's like a hide-and-go-seek game gone bad.

Our society is fast paced with a "need it now" mentality that would cause any tortoise to meaner off a cliff.

I'd like to believe I’ve stepped out from this state of childish behavior, but every so often when I am sleep deprived or life seems utterly out of control I revert back to a condition of sheer immaturity. I’m not proud when it happens, but I’m human. I’m learning. I need a big chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream and hot drizzled chocolate… and a nap.

…I’m convinced my patience would be brought back into check.
